
Ode to E.R.

I wrote this ages ago, before I had the good sense to change venue.

I hate the rednecks that clog up the halls,
and the childish ramblings upon bathroom stall walls,
and the preppy people that think they're the stuff,
and the wanna-be thugs that think they're so tough,
and the cheap-ass computers in the media center,
and the freezing cold classrooms in the winter,
and the mice in the theatre, and cracked cement floors,
and the plants in the gutters, and rust on the doors,
and that the girls' locker room doesn't have lights,
and that so many people are packed together so tight,
and that so many students don't care to learn,
and that the teachers are jaded and show no concern,
and that the teachers that care can't get anything done
because most of their students just want to have fun,
and that the teachers that don't care let everyone pass
whether or not they learned from the class,
and that there aren't enough scissors, or rulers, or glue,
and that the football team gets the only supplies that are new,
and that you can't be yourself, or the least bit unique,
without being shunned and labeled a freak,
and that the "honors" classes are worse than a joke,
and that the cafeteria food makes most humans choke,
and that the bus' breaks squeal, and the roof clatters
if there's a faint breath of wind or a little rain splatters,
and that the coaches encourage their athletes to cheat,
and whatever is clogging the art room sink,
and that the teachers punish everyone instead of a few,
and that the SROs haven't a clue,
and that in the theatre the curtains are torn
the house seats are broken, and the carpet is worn,
and that students aren't given chances to show their potential,
so the loss of their talents is exponential,
and that the desks are bent and the tables are shaky,
and that on G hall several toilets are leaking,
and the classes in trailers, that often smell funky,
and the constant fund raisers 'cause the school doesn't have enough money,
and that "good kids" are pardoned while "bad ones" are screwed,
and for many more reasons I wish to eschew
this place in East Randolph that is hardly a school.

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