
I have a problem

I like order. There's a comfort about a well-aligned shelf of books and an evely spaced place setting that simply can't be found anywhere else. Conversely, there's an unmatchable abrasiveness about a crooked picture frame, an uneven layer of icing. I can't explain it, but I'm much happier when things are as I think they should be- without this I am irritable, distractable, and generally bad-off.
This is not my problem.
My problem is female, does not share my love of organization, and works with me. I like to run a neat hostess station- keep the silverware tightly rolled, stack the menus evenly- it isn't difficult, but some part of her rebels against this system. She lays place settings pell-mell, flings the menus into utter disarray, but worst of all (the absolute of the Hostessing Cardinal Sins) she draws silverware from the decorative chest rather than the wrought baskets specified for that purpose. It's appalling. Even worse, she had the gall to tell me that that's how we're going to do it. Point blank. Undermining both the well-worn system and my seniorative authority. I abhor confrontations, possibly with more gusto than I resent disorder, but her ways must be mended. She's not fit to work with the public. I only hope Sinan has the good sense to put her back making salads, where she belongs.


..... said...

great content !! your writtin is cool

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I try. :)